Diversity Agenda Big Interview: Diana Braaksma and Beth Chaney-Walker

The Diversity Agenda recently conducted a two-part interview with twin sisters Beth Chaney-Walker, of Chaney & Norman Architects, and Diana Braaksma, of Studio Pacific Architecture.

Read both parts of Diana and Beth's interview with The Diversity Agenda to find out about how they broke into the world of architecture, their thoughts on female leadership, neurodiversity and career progression, and how diversity, equity and inclusion differs from one Accord signatory to another.


Part 1: https://www.diversityagenda.org/2023/05/17/big-interview-beth-chaney-walker-and-diana-braaksma/


Part 2: https://www.diversityagenda.org/2023/06/14/big-interview-beth-chaney-walker-and-diana-braaksma_part2/


Beth Chaney-Walker (left) and Diana Braaksma (right).

Beth Chaney-Walker (left) and Diana Braaksma (right).