Merging Green with Grey: Insights from Charlotte Warren on the Design Principles Podcast

Recently, Charlotte Warren joined the Design Principles podcast to talk about how Landscape Architecture is essential for creating good civic spaces within our cities.

Charlotte Warren is a Landscape Architect at Studio Pacific with a keen interest in the diverse ways cities are experienced and used.

Joining hosts Ben Sutherland, Gerard Dombroski, and Sam Brown on the Design Principles podcast, Charlotte discusses the connection between natural and built environments – focusing on topics like green spaces, urban resilience, and design's impact on daily life.

Charlotte also draws from her experiences of working in Auckland, London, and Wellington to explore how landscape architecture can enrich urban living, challenge traditional divisions, and consider the aesthetic and functional aspects of design.

From enhancing resilience to fostering vibrant community spaces, this episode offers invaluable insights into shaping the cities of tomorrow.

Listen to the episode now:

Charlotte Warren, Landscape Architect at Studio Pacific Architecture

Charlotte Warren, Landscape Architect at Studio Pacific Architecture