Tāmaki Precinct Masterplan

  • urban design
  • landscape architecture

Tāmaki Regeneration Company/HLC

Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland


NZIA Auckland Architecture Awards, Winner (Planning and Urban Design), 2020

The Tāmaki Precinct Masterplan aims to uplift the existing communities and provide transformational change whilst retaining strong social cohesion and sense of place, becoming an exemplar for urban and social regeneration in New Zealand.

The Tāmaki precinct consists of three suburbs, stunning natural assets, well established vibrant communities and a high proportion of social housing. As well as a comprehensive urban design strategy and public realm design, the project includes the development and production of design guidelines that will help shape the construction of in excess of 7,500 homes over the next 10-15 years. The masterplan is focused on providing the ingredients for high-quality urban densification, incorporating a mix of social, affordable, and market housing, mixed use industry, town centres, and significant open space opportunities.

NZIA Auckland Architecture Awards, Winner (Planning and Urban Design), 2020